X Filme Creative Pool : The princess and the warrior [videorecording] = Der Krieger und die Kaiserin / Sony Pictures Classics releas an X Filme Creative Pool Produktion ; a Tom Tykwer film.
Xian Film Studio : The bride of a young swordsman [videorecording] / produced by Xi'an Film Studio.
Xingu Films : Greenfingers [videorecording] / Fireworks Pictures and Samuel Goldwyn Films and Boneyard Entertainment present in association with Xingu Films and Travis Swords Productions ; a film by Joel Hershman.
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Xu Xiangcai : Qigong for treating common ailments : the essential guide to self-healing / Xu Xiangcai.
Yadata Hajime : Mobile Suit Gundam 0079. Vol. 1 / by Kazuhisa Kondo ; [translation: William Flanagan] ; [based on Mobile suit Gundam ; created by Hajime Yadate and Yoshiyuki Tomino]