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Author Naidoo, Beverley.
Title The other side of truth / Beverley Naidoo.
Publication Info. New York : HarperCollins, 2001.
Edition 1st U.S. ed.
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 Encore Middle School Fiction  jFiction Naidoo    CHECK ON SHELF
 Encore Middle School Fiction  jFiction Naidoo    CHECK ON SHELF
 Encore Middle School Fiction  jFiction Naidoo    CHECK ON SHELF
 Encore Middle School Fiction  jFiction Naidoo    CHECK ON SHELF
 Encore Middle School Fiction  jFiction Naidoo    CHECK ON SHELF
 Encore Middle School Fiction  jFiction Naidoo    CHECK ON SHELF
Description 252 p. ; 22 cm.
Summary Smuggled out of Nigeria after their mother's murder, Sade and her younger brother are abandoned in London when their uncle fails to meet them at the airport and they are fearful of their new surroundings and of what may have happened to their journalist father back in Nigeria.
Subject Nigerians -- England -- London -- Juvenile fiction.
Refugees -- Juvenile fiction.
Brothers and sisters -- Juvenile fiction.
ISBN 0060296283 :
0060296291 (lib. bdg.)